Sunday, October 28, 2007


CNN’s reporting on Darfur has increased. They have covered the peace talks between the rebels and the Sudanese government closely. One article, entitled “Rebel Absence Delays Darfur Talks,” refers to the current struggles of the rebels to maintain to the ceasefires that are called. But, I feel like of the articles that I read, none of the articles talk about the people or the problems. CNN does a good job including the political issues, but they do a poor job of discussing the issues between the people. They only briefly mention that the people have an issue with the Muslim leaders of the country. But, they do include good information from people international sources. They include links to different stories about Gordon Brown, the Prime Minister of Great Britain, and other international leaders and their beliefs about the actions in Darfur.

But, I feel like they also exclude the UN’s response. And that leads me to my question from CNN’s reporting. Do they want people to question the UN’s interaction or are they afraid to report on it. I know it’s complicated, but it needs to be addressed. Furthermore, if they make the lack of response from the UN knowledgeable, wouldn’t that force people, especially governmental leaders to deal with them?

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