Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Abu Ghraib Photos prison photos

This is a link that I found that has the photos for the Abu Ghraib prison torture, some of the photos are pretty disturbing but would be a great topic of debate on either the blog or in class.  http://www.antiwar.com/news/?articleid=8560.


P.Ijams said...

I honestly don't even know what to say, those are some of the most disturbing pictures i have ever seen. I dont understand how those soldiers can live with themselves after making people do that. It was interesting to see both men and women soldiers in the photos, i guess i only imagined men doing such cruel things (no offense). It is photos like these that make me feel so strongly against torture, clearly they didn't know when to draw the line between interrogating to receive information and abusing others in attempt to get a good laugh.

Beau said...

I agree with phoebe, this pictures are horrifying. After watching that movie in class i was very disappointed in the U.S Army and most of all embarrassed. I think methods of interogation involving interrogation and minor physical stress is acceptable but this is rediculous. No one should have to go through what the prisonors at Abu Ghraib had to go through. The case at Abu Ghraib makes me think that torture cannot be regulated. I believe that the limits on torturing can be easily abused. After watching the movie and looking at the pictures it makes me want to say that torture should never be allowed.

Jane M said...

I agree, obviously, which what everyone has said about how horrible the pictures are. However, I think the interesting thing is the fact that Morris brought up. We should be more horrified with what is going on in the pictures then the fact that the pictures were taken. Just something to keep in mind.

Nick said...

I actually disagree with all of you. I think that the blame should not be solely placed on the soldiers like phoebe suggests, but on the administration. Yes, what the soldiers did was wrong. However they were doing so because of orders from higher ups. I think if anyone is to really blame it should be the administration and the people in charge of our government that allowed things like this to happen.